I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you and your family to Ranfurly Primary School. Our community is welcoming and supportive with a genuine desire to foster an active partnership between parents, students and staff to support the learning needs of all students.
It is with great pride that I lead Ranfurly Primary School as principal in our 25 years of educating children.
Ranfurly today is the modern school that Mark Rogerson, my assistant principal, my amazing dedicated team and I aspire to make the best learners we can. In our fast-paced urban country lifestyle, we as parents and teachers want the whole world for our children. We want them to be strong in themselves, find happy, friendly peers and to develop the skills that allow them to access the world. Never has it been more accurate that we need The Village to Raise a Child. As a father of children at school and an educator, I find a big chunk of that village is the time our students spend at school; we connect with our parents and embrace them as a big part of our student learning success. At Ranfurly we strive to provide unique learning opportunities that cater for individuals and embrace families that want this relationship to be successful. At our school we call that ‘The Ranfurly Way’.
Our modern classrooms are diverse and rich with children from all experiences who thrive on unique curious learning time. When walking through my school in one day, I was able to see students involved with students in Google Classroom to blog about their reading, meanwhile in a Grade Prep classroom, children are recording their reading to develop their skills in sound chunking, and in Grade 4, students were playing Maths challenges with other children from around the world.
In my time at Ranfurly we have developed the philosophy of being a ‘Stronger Smarter School’ to work with our community in partnership to successfully educate our students. As a Stronger Smarter School we promote the ability for our community to be ‘strong in the heart’ and ‘Smart in the head’. Through a clear culture of ‘High Expectations Relationships’ for all, our school is highly motivated, and has a focused environment where children are happy and highly engaged in learning. Our school has a culture of individualising student learning through rigorous data tracking and planning for the next step. In our school you will see that children are the most important factor that we consider.
That’s The Ranfurly Way!
I invite you as a prospective member of our community to visit Ranfurly Primary School for a personal tour of the school to see the outstanding school environment we can offer your child.
Dennis Mitchell